Accepting Your discipleship.
The Great Commission from Jesus as per Matt 28 v 19
Go (After you waited in Jerusalem for the Baptism of the Comforter and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit) and make new disciples from every Nation. Teach them all things as I have taught you (Take and lead them through the 12 Steps to Heaven) and be sure of this. (Make dead certain they reach Step 9 and monitor them to reach step 10). Lead them to Jesus, assist them to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The 3+9= Chapter. in the ebook ” Living with Eternity on my Mind”
Walk upwards with them to Step 10 and keep praying for them to reach step 11 in their Spiritual life.
So that they will finally inherit Heaven, our final Home.
Spirit filled Children of God should make new disciples.
Mat 28:19 Therefore go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all things, whatever I commanded you. And, behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the world. Amen.
Christ followers is known by their love.
John 13:35 by this all shall know that you are My disciples, if you have love toward one another.
Christians should help other Christians on their road to Heaven.
Act 14:21 and preaching the gospel to that city, and having made many
disciples, they returned to Lystra and Iconium and Antioch,
22 confirming the souls of the disciples, calling on them to continue in the faith and that through much tribulation we must enter into the kingdom of God.
- Make new Disciples from all Nations.
- Lead them to Jesus.
- Baptize them in water.
- Baptize them in the Holy Spirit.
- Teach them everything Jesus teaches you.
- And make sure they reach Heaven.
Accepting your Discipleship.
Spirit filled Children of God receiving and accepting their Discipleship.
There are a large number of Ministries in the Kingdom of God but Spiritual workers / Disciples are the most important necessity in the Kingdom of Heaven.
They work in the maternity ward of the Kingdom of God. Yes, all of us as Christians need to accept discipleship and from there we will move to our Ministries. But all of us have to work – start our Ministries within the maternity ward of God’s Hospital.
The place of change, where sinners receive rebirth as Christians. At this point Satan is most active in the salvation process. He tries his upmost best for this birth not to be successful. This means that we as Disciples of Jesus have to be fully trained to handle this rebirth with the upmost care and love.
The steps 1 to 6 is the most critical time in the New Born Christians live. And if we let Satan to enter this maternity ward, there will be no new lambs at all.
In the Great Commission from Jesus we see several steps of this rebirth in the maternity ward.
Matt 28 v 19
The words “Therefore go!”
These two words have a multitude of steps. This means that we as disciples have to be equipped / trained / prepared for this important service within the Kingdom of God.
We as disciples need to completely work through the 10 steps of the 12 steps to Heaven. We had to complete and master every step completely.
From step 1 – 10 fully mastered with Word (Bible) knowledge and Baptized in the Spirit- then only we can go and make new disciples. If we are not 100% prepared we will not be able to do our work in this maternity ward to the best of our ability, and Satan will win – no new born Christians will be born again.
This is the norm in the modern Churches today. We have lambs leading lambs, the blind leading the blind and nobody gets to Heaven. This the master plans from the kingdom of darkness – Satan’s kingdom.
They take new born and push them into the maternity ward of the Ministry. And the Kingdom of God does not grow.
All disciples need to be at least on step 10 in their spiritual life.
In a normal hospital setup we cannot take a cleaner from the hallway and push him into the maternity ward to deliver a baby. Both the baby and mother will die. No, the staff of the maternity ward is highly qualified.
So do us as Disciples of Jesus HAVE to be.
And another mistake we as modern church makes, is as soon as the new lambs are born we push them into the field to fend for themselves. We organize big Evangelistic events and safe millions of people, but we do not take them through the steps. Getting millions of lambs, but don’t lead them to adulthood.
And this is what Satan wants. The best deception ever, is for you to think you have led somebody to Jesus. And one day when you arrive in the Throne room of God at the Great white throne judgment. And you say to Jesus “I held big events and millions came to you God” but Jesus then turns to you and asks “where are those millions; why didn’t they reach Heaven.”
I will rather lead one new born to the gates of Heaven, than 1 million to Jesus and leave them in the field, where the wolves are waiting for them.
If Satan can get us to believe, that we or our new born are on the way to Heaven, and we believe him. He is a happy devil!
We need to make dead certain, that our new born reaches Heaven. We need to take them through all the steps – The 12 steps to Heaven. And we can only let them go, when we are certain they are on Step 10. Where they become Adult disciples of Jesus and they can go and make new disciples.
Discipleship is not making millions of lambs. No discipleship is a one to one reproductive system. Me as Disciple of Jesus need to walk all the way with one other person and make sure he reaches step 10, accepting his or her discipleship from Jesus.
Only Spirit filled Children of God at step 10 of the spiritual life should be allowed to work in the maternity ward of The Kingdom of God. All the other Christians can and will be seed bearers.
We as disciples have to accept responsibility for the souls we encounter, or lead to Jesus.
Only when this new born Christian reaches step 9 the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, you can stop leading him or her. That’s when the Holy Spirit will now lead them the balance of the way.
Each Adult disciple should take one new born and lead them to step 9 and as soon as this new disciple gets to step 10. You will be a team of 2 working and from there grow to 4, 8, 16 and more.
This is the reason there are millions of Christians all over the world but only a hand full who will reach Heaven.
Make dead certain you yourself are on step 10 and lead the next person to step 10. And then live to get to step 11.
Sealed for Eternity.
And make double sure every step is fully mastered before moving to the next step. If somebody asks you to walk with him for one mile, walk with him for 2 miles.
The great Commission of Jesus.
Therefore (Be an adult disciple, Spirit filled Child of God, that accepted responsibility for the lost soul you will lead to Heaven)
go (Take the steps to Heaven and lead the new born up this steps)
and make new disciples from all nations. And baptize them in the name of the father (The water Baptism)
and in the name of the Son (washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ)
and in the name of the Holy Spirit (Baptism of the Holy Spirit).
And teach them to follow all I have taught you (Training the new disciple)
and be sure of this (double check that they do reach Heaven).